Delivering Classes directly to you
COMMUNITY CLASSES In and around Chepstow. Pilates and Active Step Count are the most popular. Payable in blocks of 4 weeks, securing your place and commiting to turning up each week. Can’t make it one week? I have that covered. I will send you a video to do in the comfort of your own home for 7 days before it expires.
Contact me for prices at each venue.
ON DEMAND A library of hundreds of videos is now available to you via a subscription. Pay per week or per month to do when you want and as many as you want!
These are accessed through my website. Choose and pay then set up your own username and password. A ‘codeword’ for the videos will be emailed to you.
Contact me for details on how you can use them.
Please remember that with any online content (livestream classes or video) I cannot see you to adjust you or recommend modifications. If you have any medical issues please consult your GP before starting.
By performing classes without supervision, you are performing them at your own risk.
Claire Jardine Evolution Fitness will not be held responsible or liable for any injury or harm you sustain to yourself whilst taking part in these classes or videos shared online.